Among the Myanmar people, it is a widely accepted belief that Burmese monks developed Lethwei around the 3rd century for discipline and self-defense. Inscriptions and engravings on temple walls in the ancient city of Bagan provide archaeological and historical evidence that establishes the history of Lethwei to at least 800 A.D.. A thousand-year-old “warrior sport” practiced long ago by ancient Burmese soldiers, Lethwei is a primal form of boxing that is brutal, bloody, fought without gloves, allows headbutts and has few rules. It is a highly effective method of personal combat. As a boxing tradition that is an integral part of the Myanmar (Burma) cultural heritage, Lethwei remains a national art, a historical legacy, a symbol of strength, and a source of national pride. For the people of Myanmar, Lethwei is more than just a combat sport or fighting art. It is a part of their national identity, their tradition, and their culture.
Thut Ti Lethwei is an approach to Lethwei established and perfected by Saya Win Zin Oo over more than 40 years of teaching and coaching. While the development of competitive fighters has traditionally been the goal of Lethwei training, Thut Ti Lethwei offers a broader vision. Thut Ti Lethwei focuses on cultivating and celebrating Lethwei. Representing a holistic approach to Lethwei training, Thut Ti Lethwei offers the practice of Lethwei not only as a combat sport, but also as a fighting art, as fitness enhancement, as an opportunity for social interaction, and as a culture with its own rich history, traditions, and practices. It places special emphasis on promoting the positive, diverse, and inclusive aspects of traditional Lethwei while avoiding the negative commercialism and fame-obsession elements that may come with the commercialization of pro sports and often found with the modern-day commercial emphasis occurring with Lethwei. At the same time, Thut Ti Lethwei is meant to serve as one perspective for learning, teaching, and training Lethwei. It is not meant to infer that Thut Ti Lethwei provides the sole philosophy and/or approach to the practice of Lethwei.
The Thut Ti Lethwei Global Education & Training Initiative, more simply known as Thut Ti Lethwei Global, was established in 2019 with a mission to recognize, honor, and preserve the legacy of Thut Ti Lethwei as established, developed, and practiced by Saya Win Zin Oo. To achieve its mission, Thut Ti Lethwei Global seeks to advance the techniques, tactics, training methods, and cultural traditions as observed and practiced at the Thut Ti Lethwei Club of Yangon, Myanmar under the guidance of Saya Win.
Under the direction and guidance of Saya Win Zin Oo, an advisory team of professionals with extensive experience with instructional development, teaching, martial arts programming, exercise science, management, media, and medicine were invited by Saya Win to help with the Thut Ti Lethwei Global mission. The team analyzed and organized Saya Win’s Thut Ti Lethwei and developed an instructional and training approach designed to provide comprehensive, ground-up Thut Ti Lethwei learning experiences. The program is based on proven pedagogical principles, scientific bases, and best practices as well as extensive teaching and coaching experience.
The Thut Ti Lethwei Global approach provides a comprehensive, systematic, and strategic foundation for learning, teaching, training, and promoting Thut Ti Lethwei. It places special emphasis on the preparation of high-quality Thut Ti Lethwei-affiliated instructors that are able to represent, teach, and spread the practice of Thut Ti Lethwei with excellence and integrity. The Thut Ti Lethwei Global approach highlights the four approaches of Thut Ti Lethwei practice – combat sport, self-defense, fitness, and culture. The program emphasizes diversity, inclusion, flexibility, and acceptance of all who wish to learn and train Thut Ti Lethwei. The Thut Ti Lethwei Global foundation is built around essential Lethwei competencies identified by Saya Win and the advisory team. These include (but are not limited to):
- Lethwei Technical and Tactical Skill Development
- Lethwei Cultural Competence
- Lethwei Strategic Competence
- Attribute Development for Lethwei
- Basic Sport Science Applications to Lethwei
- Lethwei-based Personal Defense Applications

Essential to the spirit of Thut Ti Lethwei Global is the acknowledgement and honoring of the diverse kickboxing arts and sports practiced around the world. The Thut Ti Lethwei Global program encourages acceptance, openness, and respect for all kickboxing arts, athletes and practitioners. Sharing techniques, tactics, and training methods are encouraged and promoted and only serves to strengthen the practice of kickboxing globally.